Scrap Metal Recycling Services in Wrentham, MA

Allied Recycling Center is proud to provide residents and businesses in Wrentham, Massachusetts, with a wide range of scrap metal recycling services, including scrap metal purchasing, junk vehicle pickups, dumpster & equipment rentals, and more! Our facility at 1901 Main Street in Walpole, MA, is just a quick and easy drive from Wrentham where we offer the best prices for scrap metal in the region! If you have any questions about the services we offer or if you’re a resident of the Wrentham area that would like to start recycling scrap metal, please contact us today! Give us a call at (508) 668-8699 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Sell Scrap Metal Near Wrentham, Massachusetts

Allied Recycling Center purchases all types of scrap metal from our residential and commercial clients in Wrentham, MA, for the best prices in the region! We buy everything from sheet metal, to wiring, to old appliances, and so much more! Our team is committed to offering the best prices in the Southeastern Massachusetts region, so there’s no better place to sell your extra copper, aluminum, steel, iron, brass, and more! If you are interested in finding out how much your scrap metal is currently worth, please visit our web pages on the metals we buy! If you have any questions about the scrap metal selling process, please contact us today by giving us a call at (508) 668-8699 or by filling out the contact form on our website!

Junk Vehicle Pickup Service in Wrentham, Massachusetts

Allied Recycling Center picks up and buys junk vehicles from residents and business owners in Wrentham, MA! If you have an old vehicle that is taking up space on your property, we’ll come pick it up from your home or business and pay you for its scrap value! We strive to make the junk vehicle pickup process as easy as it can be: all you need is a government issued ID like a driver’s license or passport and the vehicle’s title. Once you give us some basic information about the vehicle and its location, we’ll give you a free estimate on how much we can pay you for it. If you accept our offer, we’ll schedule a day and time that works best for you to have your vehicle picked up! If you have any questions about our junk vehicle pickup services or would like to schedule a pickup from your home or business in Wrentham, MA, please call us at (508) 668-8699 or fill out the junk vehicle form on our website!

Dumpster Rentals in Wrentham, Massachusetts

Allied Recycling Center offers dumpster rentals in Wrentham, MA, that are perfect solutions for larger-scale metal recycling and demolition projects! We have a large selection of dumpsters available in sizes ranging from 15 to 70 yards, so we have the container that is right for you regardless of the size you need! If you have any questions about our dumpster rental service or would like to speak with a member of our team about your specific needs so we can help pick out the size that is right for you, please contact us today! Call us at (508) 668-8699 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Contact Allied Recycling Center in Walpole, MA!

If you have any questions about the scrap metal recycling services we offer to our residential and commercial clients in Wrentham, Massachusetts, please don’t hesitate to contact us! A member of our team would be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have! Give us a call at (508) 668-8699 or fill out the contact form on our website today!