What to Do Before Selling Your Car for Cash
If you have a junk car you’re looking to get taken off your hands, selling it to a junkyard for cash is likely your best option. Selling your car for cash may sound like a simple and profitable solution, but if things aren’t handled correctly on your end or on the junk yard’s end then that process will become very complicated very quickly. To help get the ball rolling smoothly, follow these steps before selling your car for cash.
Clean it Out
Before you sell your car, you need to get all of your belongings out of it. This includes belongings you no longer want to keep! If the junkyard discovers your car is filled with trash and other items, the transaction is going to get much more complicated. You may also leave an item you do want to keep behind if it’s mixed in with so many other things. Take the time to sort everything out of your car and keep, donate, or throw away the items. You should remove your plates from the car before the transaction takes place as well to avoid further complications. Finally, clean out your gas tank! If the car is still usable, run the tank as close to empty as possible.
Find Your Title
You should have a valid title of your car ready to go before selling it to the junkyard. While selling without a title is possible, it can create complications and liabilities that are better to avoid altogether. If you can’t locate your title you can visit your local title office to request a new one or inquire about the laws and regulations in place for selling a car without a current title.
Make the Most You Can
Before selling your car to a scrap yard, investigate the value of certain parts. Valuable parts often include tires, stereos, GPS, and other internal systems. You may be able to make more by removing those parts and selling them separately, rather than scrapping the car as it is. Make sure you’re upfront with the junkyard about what alterations you made to the vehicle to get a fair and accurate estimate before selling.
Give our team at Allied Recycling Center a call if you’d like to learn more about how to sell your junk car and how much you could get for it. You can call us at 508-668-8699 or contact us via our website! We will be happy to take your old clunker and give you cash.